Monday, August 6, 2012

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Morning, please remember this day, this moment. This is an exciting moment, a moment of history to this day, we have to pay too much sweat and blood of war, have been carried out for six years, people aspire to also longing for the peace six years, to the end of time, you, great nfl's most powerful army in the most elite soldiers are honored, I will be with you together to end this damn war. we get material support enough for us to successfully complete the task,nike nfl jerseys, we will be the world's most powerful naval and air support forces. Just today, all the world's peace-loving people, their eyes looking at you, six hundred million people in the motherland pray for you ...
nfl airborne, this is only the most intrepid warriors to join the army. Let's go to the brave and fight the enemy, nfl airborne enemy's nightmare has become synonymous with the national armed forces now, and faint smell of severely fight against the enemy! beaten the crap out of them, attack, going to kick the non-stop combat the enemy, until the complete elimination of the enemy! let the enemy go to defense, no defense of this word in the Republic of airborne drill book, but everyone the Monkey King, go to row Princess Iron Fan's stomach!
Our mission is to first: Europe; second: to help the allied occupation of Toulon;: all dare to obstruct the enemy of our mission, we must destroy them!
In this glorious moment is approaching, no need to stress, need not fear, you are a man, to believe on weekdays training every liter of sweat shed in vain, we are invincible, we will be worthy of the motherland and the people entrusted to our mission, and victory will be with us with flowers and applause in the front waiting for our arrival!
I wish you a safe landing, good luck with the Wing.
Army's 101st Airborne regiment sports jersey. Starry has retired under a dark sky, numerous light searchlight of the airport lit up lit, a transport plane also seems to accept the review warrior neatly parked on the lawn.
Officers were standing on the aircraft ramp, loudly convey the head of his speech to the whole regiment soldiers prior to departure. Wearing paratrooper helmet - ordinary helmets, paratrooper helmet in order to avoid damage paratroopers in airborne, ear and retaining the neck points are canceled, wear paratrooper helmet looks like the trumpet of march pot buckle on his head - the soldiers sitting on the ground, some in the mill paratrooper knife (to cut the parachute rope fall to the ground, if necessary, time can also be used as weapons), some of the bullet box open, the bullet fell out, dress into a one number, then repeat the things that you just did, and some check the equipment in the backpack, is nothing more than a pistol. bullets, grenades, paratrooper knife, field rations, water bottles, first aid kit, flashlight, compass, gas masks - and heard the Allies offal like to use poison gas - over and over again to check these things.
Soldiers, his eyes were bloodshot, sports jersey, carrying a parachute to sit on the floor wearing a helmet chest backpack not only soldiers backpack something more than a few maps, photographs, a very small magnifying glass, a triangle ruler

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